
Multidisciplinary Computer Scientist developing methodological solutions to solve real-world problems. Interested in deep reinforcement learning, agent-based modelling, and complex behaviours. Experienced project leader, code reviewer and data science learning consultant. Expert in Python, Java, C#, and R. Currently, a Senior Researcher at Fujitsu Research of Europe's Converging Technologies division where I focus on digital twin technology, its planning, use case development and application in the real-world. I also focus on patent writing, research articles and software development.

I actively review for the following journals to uphold the ethos of academic rigour:
You can request my PhD thesis titled: The Emergence of Complex Behaviours in Agent-Based Models using Reinforcement Learning through the following link Click Here

Check out the Alan Turing Institute yearbook at the following link Click Here

Current Status

  • 06/09/2022 - Working on PhD research @ Alan Turing Institute & University of Leeds
  • 17/10/2022 - Research Associate @ Accenture
  • 01/05/2023 - Senior Researcher in Social Digital Twins @ Fujitsu
  • 18/01/2024 - Successfully Defended PhD Thesis
  • 22/03/2024 - Admitted Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society @ RGS